College Groups
CFAES Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC)
The Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC) exists to represent the interests of graduate students in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) as well as foster an environment of collaboration and collegiality amongst students of the various departments in the College. There are representatives from each of the graduate programs across the college, including those located on both Columbus and Wooster campuses.
View GSAC Officers
Cultivating Change
Come join a community of LGBTQ+ and allies with Cultivating Change at Ohio State! The Ohio State University chapter of Cultivating Change aims to provide a safe, inclusive network for students who are interested in agricultural sciences and are in the LGBTQ+ community or allies. The Foundation’s mission is to value and elevate LGBTQ agriculturists through advocacy, education, and community. We are focusing our efforts in education, community, and increasing awareness.
Ohio State MANRRS
Ohio State Multicultural Students in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences works to increase the number of multicultural students studying sciences in the food system, agricultural, and environmental areas and to encourage scholarly achievement, leadership, advancement, and excellence in students.
Ohio State SACNAS
The Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science is an inclusive organization dedicated to fostering the success of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans, from college students to professionals, in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in STEM. There is a chapter at Ohio State which you can get involved with. Contact SACNAS
ACEL Graduate Student Association
The Department of Agricultural Communication, Education and Leadership's Graduate Student Association (ACEL-GSA) coordinates professional development and social activities to encourage a sense of scholarship and community among the department's graduate students. The GSA currently coordinates weekly lunch seminars and monthly social gatherings around Columbus.
AEDE Graduate Student Association
The Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics Graduate Student Association aims to foster a greater sense of community and support within the AEDE Graduate program by providing a variety of social and educational opportunities for students, faculty, and staff.
Animal Sciences Graduate Student Organization
Get involved! The Animal Sciences Graduate Student Association is a way to get to know your fellow graduate students outside of classes and research. The group gets together for various activities and volunteer events. For more information, contact the president of ASGSA or the graduate program coordinator.
Entomology Graduate Student Association
The Entomology Graduate Student Association is a student-led, non-profit organization that focuses on entomology education, outreach, community support, professionalism, and having fun with insects! EGSA is affiliated with the Ohio State University Department of Entomology.
ESGP Student Association
The Environmental Science Graduate Program - Student Association organizes events for students, faculty and alumni to network and share ideas. These gatherings provide meaningful opportunities for ESGP peers to come together. The board (listed below) is interested in hearing from faculty, students and alumni.
FABE Graduate Student Organization
The purpose of the Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Graduate Student Orgization is to provide an organized outlet for communication between graduate students and departmental faculty and staff, to bring together students from diverse background and research areas in an informal atmosphere, and to provide camaraderie among the graduate students community in the Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering.
GradRoots (School of Environment and Natural Resources)
GradRoots is committed to serving the SENR graduate student populace by advocating for their needs, informing them of school and university policies and resources, providing academic and professional development opportunities, and building a sense of community within the school.
Graduate Society of Nutritional Sciences
GSNS is a student run organization at The Ohio State University. We work to promote professionalism, philanthropy and unity among graduate students in the department of nutrition, provide graduate students with the opportunity to present original research in scheduled research forums, foster nutrition and health awareness by sponsoring and participating in events that increase the group’s visibility, and provide support and development for current and future graduate research and teaching associates.
Horticulture and Crop Science Graduate Student Association
The purpose of the Horticulture and Crop Science Graduate Student Association (HCS-GSA) is as follows: 1) to provide opportunities for the interaction of current and incoming graduate students, 2) to improve student’s professional development skills through networking and professional events, 3) to provide a forum to plan academic and social events within the department of Horticulture and Crop Science, 4) to serve as a liaison between graduate students and departmental administration.
Plant Pathology Graduate Students Association
The Plant Pathology Graduate Students Association is composed of all currently enrolled graduate students in the Department of Plant Pathology. Graduate students of other disciplines and undergraduate students are welcome to join the PPGSA with full voting rights. Faculty, staff, alumni and other professionals can join PPGSA as non-voting associates or honorary members.
University Groups
The Ohio State University has over 1,400 student organizations for groups from departmental groups, to those focused on a specific task or interest. View student groups for graduate and professional students here.
The OSU Council of Graduate Students
The Council of Graduate Students (CGS) is the official branch of student government that represents every graduate student at the main and satellite campuses. Their primary purpose is to work towards continual improvement of the graduate student experience at The Ohio State University. CGS Officers, Committee Chairs and Delegates serve as staunch advocates in the process of crafting university policy-making decisions.
CFAES has 9 positions on the council representing the various departments of the college. CGS delegates are elected from every graduate program and are responsible for communicating concerns and representing the opinions and interests of their constituents at our monthly meetings.
There are many ways to get involved, including becoming a delegate, senator, or committee member. Additionally,make sure your voice is heard! Any student can raise a concern or idea with their delegate, or another member of the council. Elections for delegate positions are held in the spring with supplemental elections held in the autumn to fill any vacancies.
View CFAES Delegates
The Ohio Union Activities Board
The Ohio Union Activities Board (OUAB) strives to provide diverse programs and events that are educational, entertaining, and thought-provoking for students on the Columbus Campus. The Graduate and Professional student committee of OUAB designs and executes over 200 programs that are intentionally created to enhance the graduate and professional student experience. In an effort to provide holistic opportunities, they offer a variety of programming for graduate students and their families.
If you are interested in getting involved, the Grad/Prof committee of the Ohio Union Activities Board is composed of graduate and professional students representing the 14 academic departments of the graduate school and the six professional colleges. This committee works to ensure that the personal, professional, and social needs of the population are met. The Grad/Prof committee coordinates more than 200 events per year that align with the mission of the committee to provide programming in our five key areas of focus, including: Family-Friendly Programs, Personal Enrichment Programs, Professional Growth Programs, Social Engagement Programs, and Special Events. You can read more on their website.