Corporate Research Engagement 101 (Interactive Seminar)

Jan 15, 2020, 10:00am - 11:30am
Research Commons, 3rd floor of 18th Avenue Library (Columbus)

Many factors are driving an increase in engagement between universities and industry. Both entities must overcome the cultural and communications differences that often impair industry/university partnerships of all types and undercut their potential. It is important for University researchers to understand the extent to which successful relationships are dependent on an understanding of corporate decision making, the ability to manage expectations, and finding win-win value propositions on the industry/university engagement continuum. This seminar led by the Industry Liaison Office addresses the industry-university opportunities by providing researchers with a fundamental understanding of the value of industry engagement and the engagement continuum, tools for rapidly vetting and solidifying industrial opportunities, and knowledge of the support resources at OSU that are key to helping secure and nurture industrial relationships.

Who: OSU faculty, postdocs, staff, and graduate students
When: Wednesday, January 15, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Where: Research Commons, 3rd floor of 18th Avenue Library