Introduction to Sponsored Programs and Grant Budgeting for Graduate Students

Oct 21, 2019, 4:30pm - 6:30pm
211 Agricultural Administration (Columbus)

Many graduate students work with sponsored programs during their career, whether looking for funding opportunities, working with an advisor to put together a grant budget, or assisting with project reports. In this session we will explore the basics of sponsored programs, including types of sponsors and funding opportunities, as well as ways to find funding opportunities. We will also learn about basic budgeting techniques as we provide an overview of the expenses most commonly requested in grant applications. Important topics associated with developing budgets will be discussed, including direct costs, allowable costs, and budget justifications. Please join us for this informative session targeted to graduate students.

Presenters: Lori Kaser and Pam Schlegel, Office for Research and Graduate Education

Monday, Oct. 14, 4:30-6:30pm, 126 Research Services (Wooster)
Monday, Oct. 21, 4:30-6:30pm, 211 Agricultural Administration (Columbus)