The Wooster Science Café was established to provide a forum in the Wooster community for dialog between the public and scientists about contemporary topics.
December 7, 2022
The Science of Stream Health
Vaughn Anderson, Holmes County Health Department
Robert Kastner, Wayne Soil and Water Conservation District
View flyer
Please note:
- Science café will be in person in the Excelsior Room event space on the second floor of Spoon Market and Deli, 144 W Liberty Street, Wooster.
- Masks will be optional, and we will provide masks at the door as needed.
- We will be arranging the chairs so that people can sit physically distanced
- There will be light appetizers provided and you can buy food and drink and bring it upstairs.
- There is an elevator to get upstairs in case you would like to use it.
You can also follow via social media on twitter ( and Facebook (