There are various levels of support available to help you draft a winning proposal. We encourage you to start writing early and take advantage of any and all resources provided.
- OSU Writing Center: Make an appointment with the writing center. You can virtually “drop off” documents to receive a 24-48 hour review or schedule an online live-chat appointment:
- CFAES Library Support: Laura Miller, our Library Associate located in Wooster, can be booked for “drop-off” document reviews or one-on-one writing support appointments as her schedule allows. Appointments will be on a first-come first-served basis, so we advise you to schedule your appointment early on. Please reach out to Laura via email ( to book an appointment.
- Full appointments possible until to Thanksgiving (Nov 25).
- 30-min “quick review” appointments December 7-11.
- Communicating Science workshop, Tuesday, November 24, 11-12pm
It is incredibly important that scientists communicate their research in ways that the general public can understand. In this session, we will discuss tips on how to communicate your work to non-scientists as well as how to write a clear and concise project narrative. This session will be helpful for students submitting to the IGP Graduate Competition. View recording of presentation here - Participate in our first ever graduate competition peer review process! Peer review is only open to those who are working on an IGP proposal. Reviewers will be provided with instructions to aid with peer reviews. All who participate must agree to have a first draft prepared to send to their peer reviewer by Nov 30 and be able to provide comments by December 6. Full timeline below. We ask that your peer review draft include the project summary and project narrative at a minimum, but may include other portions of the proposal if you would like to receive more peer comments. Sign up to participate by Monday, November 23.
- November 23: deadline to sign up
- November 25: Peer reviewers will be assigned and all will receive further instructions
- November 30: Participants must send first draft to peer reviewer
- December 1-7: Peer reviewers will provide comments and send back to author by Monday, December 7.
- December 11: Complete brief peer review survey included within instructions to be eligible for prize.
- December 16: IGP Graduate Competition Deadline