Poster Competition - Creating your Sway Presentation

March 1, 2021

The deadline to register to participate in the 2021 (Virtual) Annual Research Poster Competition is Wednesday, March 3, 2021. All participants who successfully complete competition process will receive a $50 gift card for their participation. Register now!

The next upcoming deadlines include the poster and abstract submission on Wednesday, March 17, followed by the Microsoft Sway presentation link due on Wednesday, March 24. The Sway presentation link will be submitted at the same location as the poster/abstract: Below you will find more information about creating the Microsoft Sway presentation highlighting your research. This presentation will accompany your poster PDF on the virtual poster site.

Participants should utilize Microsoft Sway to develop a 7-10 minute presentation about their research. This presentation will be posted online to complement your research poster during the virtual research conference and allow the wider CFAES community to learn about your research.

Microsoft Sway is a content creation tool that will allow you to include audio, video, data, and graphics in an interactive way and also improves viewing online (it is computer and mobile device friendly). Sway allows you to include additional content or information you might not typically get to see in a research poster. Our hope is that using MS Sway will give you additional creative freedom in designing your presentation to develop more engaging virtual presentations than typically possible with a PDF or even a PowerPoint.

Note that this Sway presentation replaces the typical poster presentation that would happen in person at the research conference, thus the Sway presentation should complement your research poster, not just mirror the text on your poster PDF. The content of the Sway presentation should be tailored to a non-expert. You should provide an overview of your project including the basic question, methods, and results and also make sure to mention potential implications of your work. This presentation will make up approximately 15% of your final poster score from our judges.

For this 7-10 minute presentation, we will allow you to choose one of two basic approaches, outlined below. The link that you submit on March 24 will depend on the option you select.

  1. Prepare a Sway presentation and present this by sharing your screen and narrating the presentation while recording. You can use Zoom to easily record your presentation this way. Zoom also allows you to embed closed captions. You will submit the link to pre-recorded video of your presentation for viewing from the virtual poster site.
  2. Prepare a Sway presentation with embedded audio narrations, video, etc. and set it to auto-play. You will submit the link directly to the Sway presentation and when accessed the content should begin to play as a video would.



OSU training resources (webpage)
Getting started with Sway (webpage)
Record audio (webpage)
Adding audio and video (video)

Sway Resources 


Recording Resources 

  • Digital Flagship Handbook page for Creating Videos: Tips for creating videos.  
  • Screen Recording on iPad: You may choose to record your iPad’s screen to create a video. This guide from Apple shows you how. 
    • Tip: make sure you long press the record button to turn on your mic so that you record audio and video. 
  • Record in CarmenZoom using an iPad - You can also record your video using Zoom. There are two ways to do it:  
    1. Record on a single device, like your iPad or a computer. 
    2. Record with two devices so that you can show your face in the recording. One device will host the CarmenZoom meeting, and another device will share the presentation (the second device must be logged out for this method to work). 

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