A hybrid of culture-dependent and multiplex PCR assay for Detection of Salmonella enterica in dairy and meat Products in local and International Groceries in Columbus, Ohio, USA

Research Poster
Achenef Beyene
Research Scientist
Ahmed Yousef
Department of Food Science and Technology

Salmonellosis is a foodborne illness, caused by the rigorous pathogen, Salmonella enterica. Detection and identification of the potential sources are very crucial for designing of appropriate approaches for control and prevention of the pathogens. This study aimed to detect Salmonella enterica in dairy and meat products using the standard culture method combined with multiplex Polymerase Chain reaction (PCR). A total of 34 dairy and meat product samples were collected from local and international groceries stores in Columbus. Detection was conducted using standard operating procedure which was created based on the United States, Food and Drug Administration and ISO 6579-1:2017 protocols. Briefly, two stage (non-selective and selective) enrichments were conducted, followed by plating on Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate and Hektoen Enteric agars. Presumptive colonies on the plate were confirmed by agglutination, biochemical and PCR techniques. Three out of 34 samples (8.82%) were positive for Salmonella enterica. Biochemical and multiplex PCR result suggested that all the three isolated belongs to Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica. All positive samples were from poultry meat particularly from hearth, liver and gizzard. All dairy and beef samples were negative. In conclusion, Salmonella enterica was detected in meat samples from chicken. Therefore, appropriate cooking and hygienic handling of these products are mandatory to prevent exposure of individuals. Further phenotypic and genotypic characterization of the isolates are suggested to understand them more.