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people susan burns

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  1. Small Farm Management College **Postponed until February 12th**

    today, February 5th, and we have people driving from more than one hour away, we are going to postpone ...

  2. State Camping Opportunities

    associating with great people, experiencing new ideas, and learning new skills. Ages 14 (or a freshman in high ...

  3. Virtual Dining with Diabetes

    program designed for people with pre-diabetes or diabetes and they family members or caregivers. Through ...

  4. Virtual Dining with Diabetes Series

    program designed for people with pre-diabetes or diabetes and they family members or caregivers. Through ...

  5. Shared Harvest

    during the appropriate hours. We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the ...

  6. Storing, Using, and Marketing Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries in Ohio

    European immigrants absolutely adore them. More adventurous people will also buy them to make gooseberry ...

  7. 2025 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Speaker Series

    sciences. The speaker series strives to center the voices of people from minoritized populations to advance ... and offers a vision for a food system that truly serves the people—not just profits. Food justice ... inclusive approach to environmentalism that advocates for the protection of both people and the planet.’ In ...

  8. Introduction to Neurodivergence Webinar

    neurodivergent people possess because of their experiences living in a society primarily designed for ... neurotypical brains. Better understand and engage with neurodivergent people. Function as an ally to ... neurodivergent people by countering misinformation with facts and responding to microaggressions as an active ...

  9. Full List of 2025 Publications

    Roumelis, Fabian Willert, Maria Scaccia, Susan Welch, Rachel Gabor, Jesús Carrera, Albert Folch, Miquel ...

  10. Understanding AD(H)D Webinar

    within the community. Value the unique gifts, abilities, and skills people with AD(H)D possess because of ... engage with people who have AD(H)D in a variety of contexts.  Function as an ally to people with AD(H)D ...
